How To Convert Your Best-Selling Services Into Viral Digital Products (with Examples)

When you’re good at what you do, inevitably you will come to a crossroads as an entrepreneur where you need to decide how you want to scale: by hiring people under you to replace you or converting your services into products.

If you’re anything like most female service providers, the biggest thing holding you back from scaling your already thriving business is the idea that you need to hire and train an ever-growing team to meet growing demands and revenue goals.

And let’s keep it 100 here…

If you are hiring a team you’re not going to half-ass it! You’re going to want passionate go-getters and self-starters that will be loyal to your brand, your community and your clients’ collective experience.

Cut to the late night sweats when you start realizing hiring a team means becoming a badass leader which means you need leadership training! Oh and what about developing all of the systems and SOPs for the staff to performs tasks you know by heart? That is, after you go through the daunting hiring process.

It’s no wonder you’re overwhelmed at the idea of trying to scale that way – I was too!

So today, let’s explore the other side of that fork in the road and just how practical it is to convert your services into legendary digital products instead. But before we dive in, please Pin this post so more women like us can scale their business without the burnout.

Reflect On Current and Past Offers

The most important part of this whole process is that you be open, honest, raw and real with yourself as you answer the following reflection questions about your current and past offers. Anyone can brainstorm with AI a list of digital product ideas but only you really know your clients on an intimate level and truly understand what works for them, what they REALLY want, need and will pay for.

Use these 6 journaling questions to reflect on your most profitable and popular services:

  1. Are there any areas that your clients keep getting stuck over and over?
  2. Are there any questions that keep coming up?
  3. Are there any programs or offers that seem to be a favorite?
  4. Do you regularly find yourself referring out because your prospects aren’t quite ready to work with you yet?
  5. Are there any offers from your competitors that come up in conversation with clients?
  6. Is there anything your clients ask for that you don’t currently offer?

Brainstorm Innovative Digital Product Ideas

The best digital product offers are the ones that close a gap in your offer suite while also closing a gap in what is currently available on the market. An easy way to identify these profitable problems is with a simple Venn-diagram where you list gaps in the market in one circle, gaps in your offer suite in the other, and ones they have in common in the middle. That diagram should be a living a breathing document you are constantly adding to as you collect audience feedback.

Using your starting list of gap-based problems to solve, eliminate any that you don’t wish fix and then prioritize them based on the intensity of your audience’s urgency and willingness to pay for a solution to that problem. From there you just need to work on developing one legacy-building offer at a time while knowing you’re creating relief at scale.

Typically it is best to work with a professional digital product designer like myself at this point but if you’re going the DIY route, this is the part where you really put yourself in your clients shoes.

Deeply consider what types of products would make their lives significantly easier and how they should be delivered. For example, if you’re a freelance writing coach trying to help clients with their pricing, what kind of product would create the most confidence for them as they set their price? Would it be a journal about self-worth and imposter syndrome or a pricing calculator that uses a proven formula to help them figure out the price for each of their offers?

You and I both know on the surface, they will be attracted to the calculator when many of them truly need the journal to develop the confidence to successfully sell at those prices. Now you could bundle them together or better yet, use the calculator as your audience-growing lead magnet and upsell the journals and some matching affirmation cards as a tripwire funnel.

The point is I want to encourage you to practice some serious critical thinking when it comes to how you help clients solve the problem. For more ideas and inspiration on different types of digital products that you can create based on different niches check out this post with 500+ digital product ideas.

