Hi, I’m Sarah

I started freelancing back in 2014 and I’ve learned more than a few things about what it takes to scale a service-based business without going insane.

After years of trial and error, countless courses & coaching, the biggest shift in my business came when I began repurposing my bestselling blogs, services, and podcast episodes into digital products like planners and templates.

That’s when I realized the secret to scaling isn’t more clients or more hours, just slightly different offers.

I fell hard and fast for the power & profit margins of digital products and now I’m proud to create them for clients craving more impact and freedom as a service provider.

Why I'm So Obsessed With Digital Products

I don’t know about you but when I set out to start my own creative business it wasn’t because I wanted to work 90+ hours per week trying to juggle a booked-out calendar, demanding clients, and a daunting admin to-do list.


Unfortunately, when you depend on selling your time like most female service providers, there’s a cap to how much you can earn before burning out too. So after investing 5 years and five figures to get additional training, I realized the best way to scale a service-based business, personal brand or membership is with high-quality digital products that replicate and supplement the results you already provide. Now, instead of chasing high-maintenance retainer clients I can sit back and watch my monthly recurring revenue rise with the tides.


I’m willing to bet that if I can replace your current client-based income with recurring monthly revenue from your digital products, it will completely change the way you feel about your business and clients.

Let’s Bottle Your Brilliance Once Bundle At A Time

You can scale your entire offer suite with serenity one bundle at a time, with me by your side. Imagine releasing one mega bundle per quarter to a pre-sold audience for a limited time and then a series of micro offers repurposed from that same bundle throughout the season. My clients love this approach because its soft, sustainable, and simple.

My Driving Core Values


What the boring business world needs now is more wonder and whimsy, if you ask me! When you’re a creative, the boring parts of business don’t always get done because they aren’t so fun. So I weave wonder and whimsy into the entire experience of scaling your business with me.


After losing my older sister Stephanie, I knew I wanted her to be apart of this business because she helped me start my first successful business at just 4 years old. So in her memory, I am cultivating a sisterhood of creatives that offer peer-to-peer support in the spirit of sisterhood, free of competition.


You can definitely have it all…but not at the same time. There are seasons of life and business and I honor those seasons in all of my products, services, and methods. When we work together, I will teach you how to honor all of your seasons to stay more present, find deep inner peace, and find a schedule & pace that feel natural to you.


In my sisterhood of Wildly Creative Women, we collaborate to form a powerful network of referral and collaboration partners that get off on seeing one another win. Especially, when they win over the Good Ol Boys Club! Within that community, I’ll show you the most effective ways to explode your traffic through collabs.

My Meaningful Mission

My mission is to honor my late sister Stephanie’s legacy by empowering a new generation of female service providers. I aim to channel their talents into digital products that ignite transformative movements, spreading hope and light in our world.

Stephanie was a tireless advocate for women’s independence and the power of their voices. It’s my sincere dream to help you fully embrace your power and voice, making a meaningful impact on those you serve.

My Vivid Vision

When I close my eyes, I envision a world where creative service providers thrive, women and girls are empowered through their creations, and their messages become movements that inspire meaningful change.

I envision a world where little girls don’t have to wait until they grow up to be who they want to be and where grown ass women are willing to honor the whimsical nature of their inner child to remind this world, anything is possible when you’re willing to believe in your own magic.

3 Feminine Business Models For Creative Freelancers

Exploring effective business models for creative freelancers is crucial for sustainable growth and success in today's competitive market Growth of the Freelance Economy: According to a report by Upwork, the freelance economy in the U.S. contributed $1.2 trillion to...

500+ Digital Product Ideas For Freelancers To Sustainably Scale Revenue Without Burnout

As a freelancer or service provider, striking a balance between working in your business and on your business development while also taking good care of yourself and retaining some sense of a personal life can often feel impossible. In fact, if you are anything like...
