When it comes to converting your services into digital products everyone always talks about the same perks like total time and financial freedom from the passive revenue.

Don’t get me wrong, that is amazing!

It’s the main reason we all do it, right?!

But real talk: there are some other benefits I’ve personally experienced (and witnessed) that I want to share with you that will light a fire in your belly. When you scratch below the surface, the reality is that this strategy can and will transform your entire life & business.

If you’re ready to escape your workweek rut and embrace a new way of working with more whimsy and less whining you’re in the right place because today we are opening our hearts and minds to the idea of using digital products to clone ourselves.


1. Selling Tangible Products Is So Much Easier Than Selling Services

Digital products are dramatically easier to sell because they offer to solve in-demand problems at a fraction of the usual cost of doing so with a coach or service provider.


But beyond that, there are some psychological reasons that make digital products much easier to sell. Especially if you’re shy or introverted!

First of all, many of sell services with very intangible results through coaching or consulting. In those sales, we are asking our prospects to take a leap of faith that they will get the desired result after working with us for some time. However, with digital products, the client gets something tangible and instantaneous.

In fact, it is extremely possible if you create a line of high-quality digital products, your audience will become addicted to buying every offer you put out because of the chemicals released in their brain during those mircro-purchases. I will admit I have become to certain sites in the past that provided really quality digital products at a reasonable or even ridiculously inexpensive price during a weekly sale.

The point is that products are always easier to sell someone because they are more tangible, they create the opportunity for faster results and they allow you to build your relationship with the customer passively.

Coaching and consulting-based services can’t provide you with any of that.

1. Philanthropy Becomes Much Easier

When you’re an in-demand service provider, odds are you’re also going to get asked to give a fair amount away for free. I can remember tons of times when I wanted to contribute to a cause but because my entire offer-suite was service-based and I was already booked out and burned out I couldn’t. If I had my membership sites or a full suite of digital products and courses, I could of offered any one of them and it wouldn’t have cost me an ounce of time, energy, or money.

2. You Can Be A Digital Nomad & Take A Break From People

I have been freelancing and growing businesses for more than a decade and only just this year did I finally become a digital nomad. It was always so crazy to me back in the days of being booked out as a real estate content writer and strategist that I didn’t have the freedom to travel the world despite working for myself.

In the past, I always felt beholden to my clients and my retainers so I felt I had to be available during office hours and had to make weekly calls, etc. But now that I’ve switched to a product-based model in my business, I am not financially dependent on those calls. Therefore, I have no problem disappearing into a cottage in the mountains without any service for weeks if I want to because I only take client projects I’m truly passionate about.

1. You Can Take A True Sabbatical

Speaking of taking a break, when was the last time you took more than two weeks off from work for nothing more than pleasure and rest and healing?

If you’re anything like me, the answer is probably never.

Or at least that was me until this year when we sold our house to live in a travel trailer and travel full-time pursuing our passions. As I write this, I am just limping back into working after taking 3 months off. For a workaholic like myself, that is a massive accomplishment.

And although I have to return because my inbox is full of requests for my new membership site and digital product design offers, I’ll admit I actually got used to taking the time off. In fact, I spent a great deal of time healing my nervous system and rewilding and I am more at peace than ever thanks to my digital products.


1. You Can Indulge Your Whimsical Side

As I mentioned, before I became a digital product designer for female coaches and service providers, I spent a decade as a real estate content writer and marketing strategist for the worlds most powerful real estate brands. That paid the bills well but there was zero room for true creativity the way that I enjoy expressing it and that led to me feeling bored and stifled after a while.

Now that I no longer depend on stuffy corporate clients, I have the freedom to be as whimsical, wild and creative as I want to which is why I have chosen to use such dramatic visual storytelling in all my digital product designs. Not only do I get to express myself as an artist, but my clients find the products more engaging, effective and memorable.

In fact, I have had such warm feedback from clients and followers attempting to create the same types of whimsical designs, I have decided to launch my own stock photo, graphic, and clip art membership filled with elevated but whimsical images to take your offers from uninspired to unforgettable.

So if you have been feeling creatively stifled and you want to leverage your current success to the max, consider how you can level up by releasing a whimsical offer suite of digital products that lead to your legacy.

2. They Give You A Break From Customer Service

I have been in customer service since I opened my first farm stand at four years old. I know it inside and out and I usually love it. However, everyone gets burned out on people and being of service to them even when you don’t feel like it. Especially, if you are more introverted or experience social anxiety like I do.

So if you’ve been craving a break from clients or just from people in general, working with a digital product designer to convert your services into products is just what the doctor ordered. You don’t even need to do the whole suite right away. Just start with your top 3-6 most in-demand services of all time as inspiration for your first few products and begin pre-selling them before you create them.

When done correctly, digital products should actually nurture your relationship with your audience at scale. Just think about how intimate it actually is to be there with someone for their journaling journey or to provide the template that leads to their biggest sale ever! Digital products can be your biggest relationship development tool above even email and social media or podcasts if your design them correctly.

As you can see there are many benefits to templatizing your services into digital products rather than hiring and training an entire staff to scale. Digital products are more sustainable, more practical and more scalable in every way. That said, if you do hire one day, all of the templates you’ve now created will serve as training manuals and guides to support your team in delivering consistent, quality-controlled results.

