Tailwind Smart Loops are a golden goose for digital product stores and memberships but they still seem to be flying way under the radar.

If you’re anything like most female freelancers that have been in the game a few years, you’re always looking for ways to work less.

Oh and productivity hacks – they’re like crack, right?!

I get it Love, our time is our money in this game…

That’s why I pour my heart out every week to teach you how to go from getting paid for what you do to what you know by bottling your brilliance into digital products.

Digital products and especially digital product bundles are an absolute must for modern female service providers at this point.

But what about promoting your digital products?

The last thing you or I need is another reason to feel chained to social media all day!

That’s why I am on my knees over here begging you to wake up to the power of Pinterest and while you’re at it Tailwind too! Tailwind is a scheduling software that also features a networking component that makes going viral on Pinterest TOO EASY!

The best part?

Unlike social media, content on Pinterest is evergreen and only becomes more powerful at promoting you and your offers with time. Yup, Pinterest is the fine wine of content marketing you’ve been sleeping on.

But I’m here to wake you up with a late night co-working replay session that is going to get you fired up about creating content for Pinterest. So grab a big-ass snack because this is a long one but we go into so much juiciness including Midjourney & ChatGPT and of course Canva Bulk Create.

And duuhhh….please do me the biggest favor and pin this post for me so I can continue to create the most in-depth, step-by-step content to help you scale with soul.


While you’re here, please subscribe to my YouTube Channel so I can continue to bring you surprise free courses, digital products like planners and journals and special offers you won’t find anywhere else. I love to spoil my subscribers so I hope you’re ready for a season of receiving!


*I am a longtime user and affiliate for Tailwind because I truly believe in the product and the results it provides when it comes to scaling your recurring revenue with digital products and courses.
