Once the thrill of having a booked out coaching business fades, the harsh reality of scaling without a complete coaching offer suite really begins to take its toll.

If you are anything like most coaches and in-demand service providers, you are eager to scale and generate more revenue right now to keep up with growing costs. However, you probably also feel scheduled and worked to the max and the idea of taking on any more clients right now is beyond daunting.

Been there, done that, Babe!

I was in exactly those shoes a few years back before I began developing my offer suite in a way that totally liberates my from my business – more on that later.

But if you’re anything like I was, it can be a real challenge to see the forest for the trees in your business and spot the gaps in your offer suite that could be costing you precious coin.

So today, let’s tap into our abundance mindsets and remember we don’t have to work hard for every penny we make while we prepare to streamline and scale your offer suite with soul. But before we dive in could you do me a solid and subscribe and/or pin this post to help other worthy women raise their voices and scale their brands?

Developing A Signature Offer Suite Is No Longer An Option For Coaches

The coaching industry has grown rather volatile since the pandemic, making it harder than ever to find, close and keep high-quality coaching clients that are willing to do the work. The industry has truly professionalized leading to growing expectations of value from clients.


A few years ago, developing an offer suite of courses and workbooks and digital products that replicated the results I was providing for my clients was still a very novel ideal. Fast-forward to today and the coaching clients expect a library or vault of trainings, and downloadable resources, and templates, and on and on…

More and more coaches are waking up and realizing that many once “nice to have” features like a client portal are also now expected even from “low-ticket” clients.

Although developing a comprehensive offer suite that mirrors the results you deliver in person can feel like an overwhelming feat, the reality is it provides a much better result and experience for the consumer while freeing you up to enjoy your life. It actually allows you to get paid at scale based on what you know rather than what you physically do or how much of your time you can sell.

The Costly Mistake Most Coaches Make

One of the biggest mistakes I made in my business was allowing my ego and my self-worth to become attached to my business itself. As a result, over time I began depending on my business for validation and that led my to need to be needed by my business and my clients.

I was very resistant to the idea of templatizing my very unique niche and high-ticket expertise for the masses because I thought that meant I wouldn’t be needed anymore. I thought it meant nobody would pay my retainer fees or consulting fees if I had low-cost templates they could use to just do it on their own.

I thought a lot of things like that which I now realize are rooted in scarcity and co-dependence. Two things I worked on really hard with myself in the years to follow (and still do).

So if you are at all reserved about the idea that you won’t be needed or wanted once you productize your services, you’re not alone. But please don’t let it hold you back as long as it held me back its one of the only regrets I have in my decade-old business!

Assess Your Current Coaching Offer Suite

The idea of your offer suite is to solve different problems with varied levels of support and intensity at various stages in their customer journey. This is why it is so vital to understand your clients’ customer journey and everything they go through so that you can identify problems worth solving for them with your offers. This also means a variety of price points which allows you to service people in every walk of life if you wish without spreading yourself thin.

Where Are The Gaps In Your Coaching Offer Suite?

Before we can begin plugging the holes in your offer suite we need to first analyze the state that it is in today. Perhaps you have a developed coaching website with hundreds of workshops and courses and planners, etc. or maybe you just have your lead magnets. The goal will be to develop a comprehensive suite of two types of offers: audience growing and revenue growing.

  1. Are there any areas that your clients keep getting stuck over and over?
  2. Are there any questions that keep coming up?
  3. Are there any programs or offers that seem to be a favorite?
  4. Do you regularly find yourself referring out because your prospects aren’t quite ready to work with you yet?
  5. Are there any offers from your competitors that come up in conversation with clients?
  6. Is there anything your clients ask for that you don’t currently offer?

Close The Gaps In Your Coaching Offer Suite One Legendary Offer At A Time

There is no need to let the process of developing powerful digital products that replicate your processes and results overwhelm you. Especially, when you already have more than your fair share on your plate these days.

I always say that the best offer suites are built one legendary offer at a time.

That said, if you would rather focus on your business and save yourself months of creative burden, I would be honored to be your digital product designer and consultant. I know that the only reason you’re burning out is because you been booked out and that means you have something stellar to offer this world.

But you can’t realize your full potential or find fulfillment working 1X1 forever – and you know it. So why don’t we team up so that I can leverage my visual storytelling prowess to design your signature offer suite one legendary digital product at a time.
