Ready To Take Your Signature Offer Suite Seriously?

Unlock Your Potential for Scaling Recurring Revenue When You Partner With Me, The Siren of Signature Offer Suites.

Are you a determined female entrepreneur ready to scale your business with digital products, but find yourself drowning in the sea of skills required to create, launch, and sell them?

Imagine An Offer Suite That Seduces Next Level Clients With The Alluring Song Of The Siren.

Worried your Signature Offer Suite won’t sell?

Silly Siren…you never have to worry about such things thanks to my new Soft Selling Sales Scripts Kit designed to help you pre-sell and validate demand for every product BEFORE it’s created!

What’s Inside:

  1. Soft Selling Sales Kit
  2. Social Listening Guide
  3. 33 Sales Confidence Affirmation Cards
  4. Black Friday Soft Selling Scripts
  5. Xmas Soft Selling Scripts
  6. Valentines Day Soft Selling Scripts (email & social media graphics & copy)

Feel Like You’ve Been Lost At Sea Lately?

The Call To Scale Your Services

Once you’ve been in business long enough to build up a solid book of clients and your calendar becomes booked out, it’s easy to find yourself burned out trying to balance it all.

That’s when you realize you’re going to need a Signature Offer Suite filled with products that can produce passive income and allow you to take less clients while creating more impact.

But there’s a serious problem with this plan…

It Takes Most Coaches & Freelancers 90+ Days To Design A Single Digital Product That Might Not Even Sell…

As a visionary entrepreneur, your time is your most valuable asset. You understand the power of digital products in scaling recurring revenue, but the thought of mastering design, branding, and content creation leaves you feeling overwhelmed.

That’s where I come in. With my expertise in crafting bespoke digital products, I’ll take the reins of creation, allowing you to reclaim your time and energy for what truly matters – growing your business.

Studies show that entrepreneurs spend on average between 20-30 hours to DIY a single digital product. Can you spare that kinda time?

Let’s Make Waves Together…

Every Product Will Serve A Purpose

I don’t believe in creating products just to have more stuff to sell. Instead, I will walk you through my signature method of finding the most profitable gaps in your existing offers to create products that serve a purpose.

Imagine an entire suite of stunning planners, templates, tools, and guides that replicate and compliment the services you’re already known for to:

  • Strealmine Customer Service
  • Meet Your Clients Where They Are Now
  • Capitalize On Gaps In Your Competitors’ Offers
  • Increase Client Retention Rates
  • Provide A More Holistic Result For Clients
  • Improve The Perceived Value Of Hiring You

You Are A Treasure Chest Of Brilliance Waiting To Be Unlocked

If you are anything like my clients, you know that you’re not living up to your full potential yet because you’re chained to your clients until you can create passive recurring income.

But once we restructure your offer suite with digital products that mirror your services, you will finally be able to scale your recurring revenue and fulfill your potential the way you’ve always dreamed.


Am I The Right Digital Product Designer For You?

Not all digital product designers are created equally so I bet you’re wondering what makes my services the right fit for you at this stage in the game. Aside from the decade of experience fine-tuning skills like SEO, buyer behavioral psychology, NLP, content strategy, graphic design, and copywriting, most of my clients hire me because…


My money-making ideas

When you’re a visionary woman with a booked out calendar, you’re usually too burned out to identify highly-profitable gaps in your offer suite. That’s where I step in with fresh perspective and ideas to help you better serve your clients while liberating you from your laptop.

My Values & Integrity

Most of my clients stay with me at least 3 years because unlike other service providers, I will always tell you what’s in your best interest rather than what you want to hear and that makes all the difference in the world.

My Lightning Fast Turnaround Times

From small Etsy stores to entire membership platforms, I’ve created thousands more digital products than I can count and I’ve gotten really speedy at the process. In fact, most women save a minimum of 10 weeks of work when they hire me.

The Process To Bottle Your Brilliance

1. Identify The Problem

Every digital product I create for you will be based on solving an in-demand problem or transformation for your customers while deepening your relationship with them. So the first step is to select the most profitable and aligned problem to solve with your product.

2. Validate The Demand

You have no interest in creating digital products that won’t sell and neither do I! Therefore, in step two we validate the demand with pre-selling through research, polls of your audience, your best-performing offers and current audience feedback.

3. Bundle The Best Solutions

Once you are confidently pre-selling your new products and building your waitlist, I’ll go to work to bottle your brilliance into a stunning branded bundle. Within just a few days, your bundle will be complete and you can start your happy dance to the ring of the register.

Bottle Your Brilliance One Bundle At A Time

Bottled Brilliance Digital Product Bundle

8 Digital Products Included

  • Free Consultation
  • 90-Minute Strategic Launch Call
  • 8 Validated Digital Products You Can Sell Bundled & Unbundled
  • 10 Mockup Images
  • Branded Delivery PDFs For Every Product
  • Product Description & Meta Description
  • Email, Phone and Video Support
  • Client Portal with Project Management Dashboard
  • BONUS: Preselling Magic Kit


Saves you 3 months on average!

Bottled Brilliance Signature Method Bundle

12 Digital Products Included

  • Free Consultation
  • 90-Minute Strategic Launch Call
  • 12 Validated Digital Products You Can Sell Bundled & Unbundled
  • 10 Mockup Images
  • Branded Delivery PDFs For Every Product
  • Product Description & Meta Description
  • Email, Phone and Video Support
  • Client Portal with Project Management Dashboard
  • BONUS: Preselling Magic Kit
  • Black Friday Sales Kit
  • Valentines Day Sales Kit


Saves you 6 months on average!

Bottled Brilliance Digital Product Suite

Fo4 Bespoke Digital Product Bundles

(48 Products Total!)

  • Free Consultation
  • 90-Minute Strategic Launch Call
  • 48 Validated Digital Products You Can Sell Bundled & Unbundled
  • 10 Mockup Images
  • Branded Delivery PDFs For Every Product
  • Product Description & Meta Description
  • Email, Phone and Video Support
  • Client Portal with Project Management Dashboard
  • BONUS: Preselling Magic Kit
  • Black Friday Sales Kit
  • Valentines Day Sales Kit
  • Sales Page Copy For All 4 Bundles
  • Email Nurture Sequences

    $8,888 BEST VALUE

    Saves you 24 months on average!

    Trusted & Featured By:

    Is A Signature Offer Suite Worth The Investment?

    My biggest regret in my business will always be that I didn’t invest in developing an offer suite from the first year. I’ve lost 6-figures in revenue over the years having to turn away clients because I was overbooked or out of their price range and I could have helped them all if I only had my offer suite in place at the time. Don’t repeat my mistake…learn from it.

    Can I Really Trust Someone Else To Sound Like Me?

    Long before I was building a reputation for luxury digital product design services I spent years ghostwriting and developing content. This is what I do! I have proprietary methods that allow me to extract the essence of your voice into a potion mixed with SEO, NLP and sales psychology to craft content that is extraordinary.

    What If The Final Product Doesn’t Resonate With My Audience?

    Impossible! Before I begin designing for you, we will identify gaps in your existing offers and your competitors and review feedback from your existing audience to validate the demand. I’ll also arm you with my Siren’s Soft Selling Scripts to start pre-selling the product before I’m done creating it for you. Any feedback initial buyers provide will be used to enhance the product ensuring it speaks to their deepest desires.

    Am I Ready To Scale With A Signature Offer Suite?

    When I launched my business in a dark blue ocean niche, I quickly became booked out years in advance because there was nobody else to meet the demand. If I had only developed digital products to supplement and replace some of my content services I wouldn’t have had to work nearly as hard and I would have made at least 6 figures more. The beauty of scaling your revenue vs. your services is you’re not taking on a ton more responsibility but you are gifting yourself more freedom.

    How Will My Signature Offer Suite Differentiate Me From The Competition?

    Through creative storytelling, elevated branding and masterful messaging, your Signature Offer Suite will provide a much more holistic solution for the primary problem you solve for your clients.

    • It will prove that you’re willing to put your money where your mouth is and stand behind your processes.
    • It will show you’re not afraid of being replaced because you know the unique power of working 1X1 with you.
    • It will show you care about their bottom line more than your own.
    • It will allow you to only work with clients and collaborators that light you up so your best work always shines through from an abundant mindset.

    How Receptive Will My Audience Be To Using Digital Products Vs. Hiring Me?

    The idea of the digital products is to supplement and upsell your 1X1 services to those that want to get to know you better before investing in high-ticket or who prefer a less expensive DIY approach.

    Will My High-Paying Clients Downgrade To Less Expensive Digital Products Instead?

    No! You can actually retain your high-ticket clients longer by gifting some of the products to them or raise their Lifetime Value by offering them at a discount. Either way, the digital products are positioned to serve a DIY audience which is very different from the more luxurious 1X1 audience. The idea of this suite is to give you the passive revenue you need to cherry pick the clients and projects you work on; leading to better results all around.

    The Economy Is Crazy…Is Now The Right Time To Invest In Scaling?

    Yes! In fact, this is the most economical time to invest in developing or scaling your offer suite because you can immediately capitalize on those looking for more budget-friendly options by selling the digital products that will nurture them up into eventual high-ticket clients.

    After just one call with Sarah to gain clarity around my messaging and positioning I booked 3 calls from just one post! I’m a believer and I can’t wait to get started with monthly coaching because this isn’t just cool it works!

    Tia Lynn

    I’ve been following you for a little while now Sarah, and I have to say the miracles and transformations you create are SO JUICY! I am so grateful for all of the help you have given me in publishing my book and pivoting to target Queens to find their forever love! Thank you so much Sarah!

    Maria Mettegard

    So refreshing! Within just the first few minutes on the video chat with Sarah I knew she was no BS! She helped me see myself in a new way and see a bigger vision for myself. Thank you so much Sarah!

    Jullie Burk
