People-pleasing is a brutal addiction with even more brutal consequences on our businesses. Therefore, we can’t allow ourself to go on people-pleasing and constantly putting ourselves at the bottom of the totem pole.

Especially if we want our audience to respect us.

I don’t know about you but any time I want to quit something or start something new, I need a boost in the beginning for momentum. It is that momentum, built from small and simple beginning steps that allows me to get through the most difficult days.

If you’re nodding in agreement can we also agree that you can use this moment as the line in the sand.

This can be the moment you quit people pleasing.

Does that mean you will literally never-ever do it again?

Fuck no! But it does mean you’re focused on trying and you’re building that focus with an emphasis on self-compassion which is proven to lead to better success rates.

So to get you started, I created a video designing a worksheet set that was made for people-pleasers that are bound and ready to step into their power and with it I am including a free affirmation jar worksheet and 7 affirmations you can use to quit people pleasing this week.

  1. Here is your Affirmation Jar Worksheet
  2. Here are your 7 People Pleaser to Powerhouse Affirmation Cards for this week (You can purchase the full deck of 30 in the Scaling With Soul store)

And below I hope you will watch, listen and enjoy the making of the From People Pleaser to Powerhouse workbook.
